Michael Cahill is an experienced advocate practicing in all criminal and quasi-criminal jurisdictions. He is an accredited specialist criminal law advocate under the Victorian Bar’s Indictable Crime Certificate program and is a Victoria Legal Aid (‘VLA’) Criminal Trial Preferred barrister. He is also a member of the Panel …..
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This seminar discusses how Barristers can effectively communicate with Judges. The seminar is presented by Victorian County Court Judge Chettle. Judge Chettle advises advocates from his own experiences, both as a Judge and Barrister, the steps to take to create and maintain a positive relationship with a judge throughout a case.
Professor Olaf Drummer is Deputy Director (Academic Programs) at Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine and Professor and Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine at Monash University.
Courts routinely accepted Motherisk’s hair drug test results without challenge as evidence of parental substance abuse until a retired Judge’s independent review exposed mistakes in testing procedures, as the result of a successful appeal against conviction in the Canadian Bloomfield case.
This seminar is presented by The Honourable Judge Gaynor of the Victorian County Court. Her Honour gives a presentation on the sentencing principles applicable to the imposition of a Community Corrections Order, either alone or in combination with a term of imprisonment. Judge Gaynor discusses how barristers can best make submissions regarding CCOs when appearing in the County Court.