Dr. Victoria Lambropoulos is a Senior Law Lecturer at Deakin University. Dr. Lambropoulos joined Deakin Law School in 2004 as a full-time academic. She was practicing as a Barrister prior to this. She maintains her practicing certificate as a Barrister and is a Committee member of the Industrial Bar Association ….
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Speaker(s): Chair: Dr Victoria Lambropoulos Speakers: Justice McDonald-Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, Head of Industrial Relations and Employment Law List of the Supreme Court, Associate Justice Ieradiaconou-Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, Paul O'Grady QC, Joel Fetter-Barrister, Dr Victoria Lambropoulos-Barrister
This CPD session discusses trends on the Employment and Industrial List of the Supreme Court of Victoria, focusing on post employment restraints and injunctions, Corporations Act issues concerning employees and many other topics.
This seminar discusses serious misconduct, summary dismissal and employment contracts, with a focus on the case of Melbourne Stadiums Limited v Sautner (2015) FCAFC 20. The seminar is presented by barrister Jonathon Forbes and senior Deakin University Law Lecturer Dr. Victoria Lambropoulos. The presentations are followed by a Q & A session, moderated by Paul O’Grady S.C.