Session Catalogue

Annotation 2020-05-27 093313

Virtual hearings Part 2: Using Teams in the Federal Court


In their second Zoom webinar on virtual hearings, Emrys Nekvapil and Kathleen Foley facilitate an interactive session on Microsoft Teams, the software used for virtual hearings in the Federal Court. The Honourables Justice O’Callaghan and Justice Thawley also participate in the webinar, providing insight from the perspective of the judge presiding over a virtual hearing.  The webinar also include a mock mini-hearing using Microsoft Teams.


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Full Description

In their second Zoom webinar on virtual hearings, Emrys Nekvapil and Kathleen Foley facilitate an interactive session on Microsoft Teams, the software used for virtual hearings in the Federal Court. The Honourables Justice O’Callaghan and Justice Thawley also participate in the webinar, providing insight from the perspective of the judge presiding over a virtual hearing.  The webinar also include a mock mini-hearing using Microsoft Teams.


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