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9 May 2024
The Victorian Inspectorate (VI) oversights key integrity and investigatory bodies in Victoria that have the power to issue witness summonses requiring persons to attend and answer questions at a coercive examination, including IBAC, the Victorian Ombudsman and the Office of Chief Examiner. The VI itself can also issue witness summonses for examinations it conducts. Witnesses required to attend an examination have the right to legal representation.
This seminar will examine the rights and obligations of counsel representing a witness at a coercive examination (and also those of the witness) and provide helpful hints as to matters counsel should consider when preparing for the examination.
Private entities sometimes exercise public power or perform governmental functions and often deliver services on behalf of governments. In these situations, complex public law issues concerning control and accountability arise. This seminar examines some of those issues.
In the seminar, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Chief Judge of the County Court of Victoria, the Chief Magistrate of the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria and the President of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal will each explore emerging practice areas, as well as highlighting those practice areas that are static or shrinking.
When brutality is alleged against police, impartial investigation is essential – to ensure accountability for misconduct, to vindicate the human rights of victims, and to embed a culture of respect for rights within our police force. In March 2018 IBAC found ‘concerning deficiencies’ in the manner in which Victoria Police reviews serious incidents, including those that result in the serious injury or death of members of the public. The IBAC findings raise significant legal and human rights concerns.
What is a question of law, and does it need to be in the leave application?
In this CPD, Emrys explores two specific and current topics affecting applications for leave to appeal from an order of the VCAT under section 148 of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 (Vic).
Recent campaigns and debate have centred on the need to recognise Indigenous Australians as the first peoples of Australia under the Australian Constitution. This CPD seminar, presented by Mick Dodson AM, focusses on the seminal judgment in the Tasmanian Dams case, and the effects of the High Court’s decision.
In this Q&A Session, Wendy Harris QC discusses the Tabcorp and Tatts litigation including: statutory claims and interpretations; principles of redundancy and illegality; contract construction; the intersection of contract and statute and contractual and statutory rights.