Peter J Morrissey S.C. practises in serious criminal proceedings in most Australian jurisdictions, including homicide cases, major fraud and ASIC prosecutions, drug and sexual offences and all other prosecutions in the higher courts. He also practices in administrative law. Peter joined the Victorian Bar in 1994 and was appointed Silk in 2009 …..
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When brutality is alleged against police, impartial investigation is essential – to ensure accountability for misconduct, to vindicate the human rights of victims, and to embed a culture of respect for rights within our police force. In March 2018 IBAC found ‘concerning deficiencies’ in the manner in which Victoria Police reviews serious incidents, including those that result in the serious injury or death of members of the public. The IBAC findings raise significant legal and human rights concerns.
This is a seminar given by Eugene Hyman, a former Judge in the Santa Clara County Superior Court and Santa Clara County Municipal Courts in California for 20 years. Mr. Hyman speaks on current issues of domestic violence and its treatment in the courts. There is, of course, much in common and much to learn from the American experience.