Peter G Willis S.C. appears and advises in a wide range of corporate and commercial and public law matters, especially in the Supreme and Federal Courts. He also appears before VCAT and Planning Panels Victoria. Peter joined the Victorian Bar in 1999 and was appointed Silk in 2015 …..
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30 November 2021
In this seminar, the speakers will discuss recent developments in the scope and limitations of supervisory review by the Courts including:
This seminar will look at the formal requirements for drafting guarantees, pleadings, and outline the scope of guarantor liability and discharge, guarantor rights and defences, and legislation affecting guarantors.
This CPD is a joint seminar conducted by the Victorian Bar together with the Law Institute of Victoria. This CPD identifies some of the most significant recommendations of the eight-year review of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic). Mr. Brett Young who was the Independent Reviewer of the Charter, discusses the review.